Florence Henderson, the actress who portrayed wise and lovable mom Carol Brady, had plenty of challenges wrangling six kids on the long-running TV series The Brady Bunch. But some of the challenges she faced in real life may have been tougher. In her own childhood, she recalled to an interviewer from Dear Doctor magazine, “We didn't always have access to dental or medical care, but... I learned the importance of brushing my teeth. I stressed oral health care from the time my children were very small.”
As Henderson knows, starting kids off with proper oral health habits doesn't have to cost a fortune — and it can pay off down the road in fewer cavities and less need for restorative dental care. What are some of the things parents can do to help get kids on track for a lifetime of good oral health?
First, set a good example. Learn about the importance of a balanced diet, and limit the amount of unhealthy foods (like sugars and refined carbohydrates) that you — and your children — consume. Remember to brush and floss every day, with a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste. And visit the dentist for routine checkups, starting as early as age one. Learn more in the Dear Doctor magazine article “Dentistry & Oral Health For Children.”